Invalid Report against Han Solo

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Lone Smurf, Oct 17, 2016.

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  1. Lone Smurf

    Lone Smurf Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Han Solo
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:

    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Which Round:

    Time of Occurence:
    This morning
    Reason For Report:
    Im filing this report agian because i cant stand how every admins word trumps mine. Im over it
    Im not going to pay so that you guys believe me
    Im not a sell out

    I was staffing on West when you began insulting another player who believed you RDM'd him. You did not, and I explained this to the user. This is the first warning of harassment that I gave to you.

    The issue was becuase he thought I rdmed someone else but i did not
    You even asked me why did I kill him
    It was the guy who threw the discombob? Do you remember that?

    I cannot believe that you are trying to make up some story that makes it sound like you know what you are talking about its frustrating and childish

    You stopped, but the next round when he called suspicion on you, you once again harassed him.
    He did not call sus he called KOS thats why i said "Fuck Off Faggot"
    You are obviously not doing your job
    You come on here at show me all this but in the moment you wouldnt say anything to me... DO YOUR JOB

    You rejoined and flamed me as well as repeating the offensive slur that I had already told you to stop using. You then repeated this slur, and soon afterwards I banned you.
    What would you have done if an Admin kicked you out with no warning or notice?
    I wasn't harassing anyone until you got all offended for not going through your reports properly
    I have the full conversation before and after the ban why is that none of the things you say are in it?

    Where is all the evidence of me flaming you personally?
    I have been nothing but respectful even with all your lying and bullshit

    Let me just address you saying I did not respond to that report. I was not able to put it in progress because if my memory serves correctly, a fun round soon happened. I did slay the user you are talking about once the round ended.
    This is not true either. Do you think I have a bad memory?
    Im not one of those 12 yr old kids stop treating me like one
    This "fun" round did not happen till I got banned at what point would I have been made aware that he was slayed?

    I do not recall you ever asking me about your report, but if you did, I am sorry for ignoring it. Of course you dont remember anything that makes me look semi descent... It may also be true that you did not see my first warning for harassment, but there's no way that I would be able to be aware of that fact; furthermore, if you did not see the warning, I am still required to follow protocol and issue harsher punishment. I hope you can see how this was merely me doing my job as a moderator. @Falcor will give the verdict of this report as soon as she can.

    Again even on this server admins will !pm me saying to cool it down
    Not a ban without notice

    Stop acting like you are innocent and didnt make a bad call

    My report begins because some player tried to rdm me
    his name was theflyingfishkiller
    I filled a report it went unmentioned and the next time he tried to do it I said Fuck Off Faggot
    Of course that's all the admin sees
    He kicked me the first time with out a warning for harassment
    When I joined back i started it off by telling him he was a terrible admin but before he would even try to explain anything it said i was kicked for harassment.
    My report went unanswered and when i asked about it again it was as if it was never filed.
    It is unbelievable how many times this kind of thing happens on these servers.
    I shouldn't have to have ViP to have my voice heard...
    Let alone have to start cussing at some kids to get some help from the admin.

    If an admin truly wants to be helpful he would hear both side of the story not just to the guy on the mic

    After getting evidence together the admin did give me a warning but it was mixed in with all the chat
    I would have seen that, when i was having trying to argue with some kid on a mic
    Next Time Use !p
    Don't try to say that I should have read it better
    Im only human we all make mistakes

    But it does not give you a reason to hand out bans just because you don't feel like doing your job at 10 in morning
    Leave it to people that have patience...
    I never once said anything offensive towards you, anytime you addressed me I responded with respect.
    Yet this is my result

    I Will Not Stand By While Admins Wont Even Listen​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. Lone Smurf

    Lone Smurf Member

    Also in your screenshots it says REC with a red circle
    Bring forth the video evidence...
    Why wouldn't you even do that xD
  3. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    Han gave absolute evidence of you harassing users multiple times and with warnings.
    Calling people a faggot is never allowed.
    He showed how he handled your report. Many times things go unnoticed in chat and its an unfortunate human error on both parts.
    Han handled this entire situation perfectly and this report is Invalid. You have No evidence of Han ignoring his duties while staffing.
    And he wasn't out of line in any of his actions. If you do have evidence of this please provide them now. I will give some time for your response.
  4. Lone Smurf

    Lone Smurf Member

    So people are allowed to continue to call false Koses on me
    Fur Sure...
    Im glad to see that this server has got its rules togther
    Even when i said leave me alone he continued with his shit

    Let some kid continue to call KOS on me? NO
    He ruined my T round I was more than cool about that

    But supposedly that's acceptable

    You can even see it in his screenshots...
    The screenshot he added the slays on was on DOLLS we were on BEDROOM when this all happened

    Why would he start reading the report on Bedroom and finish it on Dolls?
    It does not make sense
    He was playing in game with everyone
    It not like he was away and was unaware of what was going on.

    You got to love these pay to rule servers...smh
  5. Lone Smurf

    Lone Smurf Member

    Actually take the time to go through my first post
    It looks all repeated but its not
  6. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    If a player is targeting someone and continuously calling false koses on another player you have to let the staff member know.
    In Hans response it says he had to scroll up in chat to show the slay, that's why it was on a different map.

    Our servers do not favor donators. In fact regulars are held to a higher standard as they are more knowledgeable of our rules and protocol.
    You harassed a player by calling him a vulgar name. You were warned, twice. After you are warned once, and you start harassing people again you will be kicked. The kick is your second warning.
    You then came back and harassed people again using the same language. Your ban was justified. And Han did everything appropriately. There is no need or reason for him to see any form of punishment from this report.
    Once again this report is Invalid.

    If you continue to make the same report about the same situation with no evidence your posting rights will be at risk of being temporarily removed.
    Please message me or add me on steam if you want to talk about this.
    Thank you
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