Completed Report against Goose

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by ifavila, Mar 5, 2016.

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  1. ifavila

    ifavila Active Member

  2. Zigles

    Zigles Rule #1: Never trust a Zigles VIP

    Looks like @Candycaneore was on the server at the time of this harassment, did you notify her in game of this?
  3. ifavila

    ifavila Active Member

    I asked in the general chat in game and something weird responded, but he didn't provide me with any useful info other than 'send me pics if the harassment escalates.' The player left on the map change so that wasn't something that was going to happen.
  4. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    After discussing this with @Something weird who was present on the server as you mentioned Favila, he was waiting for you to present these screenshots to Candy or him. Since you took the liberty of submitting a forum report, you can clearly see this player using derogatory terms towards you, as a result he will be banned for Harassment as the issue seems to have been constant.

    @Goose, I advise you to not treat players this way in the future. Further actions like this could result in heavier punishment than just standard Harassment protocol so it would be best for you to heed my advice. If either of you have any other concerns you wish to voice, feel free to do so by starting a conversation with me on the forums.

    Have a nice night.

    Report: Valid/Thread Locked
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