Invalid Report against Aco Taco

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Captain K9(Melon), Aug 9, 2016.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Aco Taco
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    67th way
    Which Round:
    2nd or 3rd
    Time of Occurence:
    9:50 pm Central European Timezone
    Reason For Report:
    I would like to report aco taco for kickin me and finispro for supposed harassment against phoenix ak.a anastasia lawes, the only thing i and finis actually did was assume that he is a guy dude to the lack of evidence of him being a girl, we kept referring to him as he when we talked about him, and then without even warning us we get kicked​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    @finispro got kicked for the same reason i did and as i type this he told me he was banned​
  2. finispro

    finispro VIP

    i agree and support this.
  3. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    Tagging @Aco Taco and his administrator @Falcor. Please wait for them to respond to this appeal.
  4. aco taco

    aco taco ghosts n' sharks VIP

    As is stated above, harassment is viewed as aggressive pressure or intimidation. Anastesia did not like the fact that you two were referring to her as a boy and accusing her of pretending to be a girl. You are entitled to have your own opinions (as is everyone), but the opinions you projected onto her and the entire server resulted in the hurting of feelings.

    I asked Anastesia if she wanted me to warn you two to stop, she said she did so I issued you both your first warnings for harassment.


    After being given your initial warning, you both were quite argumentative with me. You continued to call her a boy and accuse her of being a guy. You knew this was something that bothered Anastesia but continued to do it regardless. Since it was both of your second offenses of harassment, I kicked both of you as protocol states to.


    I was only doing as I have been trained to do. You had been given a warning to stop harassing Anastesia. You chose not to adhere to our rules after being given a chance to stop thus leading to you and finispro's kicks.

    Your mentality was that Anastesia cannot be a girl because she has not given you "proof" that she is. You and finispro both stated that once she gives you evidence of her gender, you will leave her alone. She is in no way required to provide you with proof of anything like that. You however, are required to respect her wishes and refer to her as the gender she is, not accuse her otherwise.

    After you had been kicked Melon Maniac, finispro was contiually passive agressive and rude towards Anastesia. Because of this, I received discretion from @Kyogre to ban him for the toxicity and poor attitude he has displayed on our servers. Not only did he display his poor attitude today on the EU2 server, but he has also has managed to garner two other harassment/trolling bans in the past two days which is why his ban was extended.


    I sincerely apologize for any ill-feelings this has left between you and I or anyone else on the servers.

    I will leave this final verdict to my administrator @Falcor, have a nice day.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2016
  5. Please go ahead and post that in main post, thanks
  6. finispro

    finispro VIP

    firstly we did not say we would leave her alone untill we have proof also we did stop calling her/he he and boy or whatever, i and melon began discussing with cookie about it witch was not ment hurt her then i tell you that someone is makeing report and u ban me.
  7. That's true i was not repeatedly going on about it only saying that i would referr to it as a he because i have no proof thatbit is a guy or a girl
  8. aco taco

    aco taco ghosts n' sharks VIP

    Actually finispro, you guys did say that.

  9. Well we did not mean it in that sense we juwt said there is no proof that it is a boy or a girl
  10. And that we would call it a boy
  11. We should have referred to it neutraly that way it would not have taken it as harrassment
  12. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    Hi Melon and finispro,

    After Reviewing both sides, Aco did his duty as a staff member and followed protocol the entire time.
    If a staff member warns you about something, that is your 1 warning to stop when it comes to harassing another player. Or you will then be Kicked if you continue doing whatever it is you were doing to be warned in the first place.
    You were both asked to stop, leave ana alone and to drop the topic. Aco's evidence shows you continued to say things about and to Ana about her gender that were clearly unwanted.
    This report is Invalid as I see no evidence of Aco abusing, being biased or not following protocol.

    I think you for taking the time to report.
    Remember in the future that with Harassment protocol, The first time a staff member asks you to stop is the warning that you will be kicked if you do it again.
    If you would like to talk about this further please feel free to add me on Steam, or inbox me here.

    Thank you,

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