Approved My Mom's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Squanchy, Apr 6, 2016.

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  1. Squanchy

    Squanchy VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Donald Trump
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I understand that there might be some RDM related to me (I don't recall honestly). There might be someone who got caught in crossfire. Anyways, I did not plan to RDM and leave. I never just "leave". I want to promise that I will never BREAK ANY RULES, and I wish to apologize for whatever I have done (I didn't get the opportunity to respond to the allegations). 28 days is too harsh. This is the only game I can play and enjoy. Your consideration will be highly appreciate it. Sorry sorry sorry!!!
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Cafedemocha

    Cafedemocha 2319 VIP

    You were banned by @swagrid for RDM and leave 3rd offense he will respond as soon as he can.
  3. swagrid

    swagrid current status "not okay" VIP

    Thank you for filing an appeal! Unfortunately i am currently out of town and wont be back untill sunday afternoon. Ill go ahead and tag my admin @kynwall in the mean time
  4. Squanchy

    Squanchy VIP

    Most appeals are denied, this is pretty clear. However, the whole purpose of having severe punishments for RDM & Leave is to discourage people from rdming and just leaving, possibly ruining the round for many legitimate players. I personally did not "Leave" just to ruin the round. I left because I did not receive any reports against me, and therefore, did not know that anything is wrong... I was sure that I left the game without doing anything wrong. I understand that I might've been wrong, and that's why I am willing to take 20 slays instead, really, I don't care, as long as I can play the server again. Also, if you want to reduce the ban length instead, that's also fine. I just want to open a new page. This is my favorite server, and just because I was a dick when I started playing this server should not be a reason to be severe with me now after I have been a rule abiding player for the last month (See the history, I play every day all day and have been playing by the rules for more than a month) All I ask is for forgiveness. Thank you.
  5. swagrid

    swagrid current status "not okay" VIP

    once again i wanted to thank you for taking your time to file for an appeal. We will try to get this sorted out as fast as we can for you. Like i mentioned in my previous post i am out of town untill sunday afternoon. In the mean time please be patient and you are free to play on our other ttt servers

    Much love
  6. Squanchy

    Squanchy VIP

    Thank you @swagrid ! Have an amazing trip!!!! Love, your mom
  7. kynwall

    kynwall "Painting Roses" VIP

    Since Swagrid has tagged me in this Appeal I'll try and contact him to get the story to see what happened from his point of view, in the meant-time as Swagrid has stated you're not banned from any other server except West 1, so you're free to play the other 5 in the meantime.
    What might end up happening is you'll need to wait the four days for him to come back from his trip and then we'll resolve the issue, but I digress please be patient and I thank-you for your understanding.
  8. kynwall

    kynwall "Painting Roses" VIP

    After speaking with Swagrid about the situation, unfortunately we're looking at having to wait until Sunday-afternoon for this to be resolved, a minor 4 days of waiting on your 4-week ban, I hope you can understand this and be patient with us until this can be resolved, thank-you once again for that.
  9. swagrid

    swagrid current status "not okay" VIP

    Due to lack of evidence you will be unbanned from west immediately. i am sorry for the inconvenience.

    this appeal is approved!

    much love
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