Denied Dzeko's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Dzeko, Dec 29, 2015.

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  1. Dzeko

    Dzeko Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Sailant Wan
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    The ban should be reduced to 1 day
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Me and some dudes were harassing 1 dude. However, the mod went straight to the 5 day ban even though the third offence is a 24 hour ban.​
  2. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    You were banned 5 days for trolling by @DerpyKyogre64 who recieved discretion from the admin @BmTron to place the ban at 5 days. The will respond as soon as they can
  3. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    Hey Dzeko, thanks for taking the time to appeal your ban on the forums.

    Now before I go further with what happened allow me to explain why your ban was 5 days. As protocol would dictate me to do here is what would happen in the case of harassment:

    1. First Instance - Gag/Mute and Warn.
    2. Second Instance - Kick from the Server
    3. Third Instance - 24 hour Ban
    So to make it brief yes you would be correct by the fact that if I had followed protocol it would've been a one day ban, but the fact is name impersonation is also a problem here. So here's the issue that comes with what happened during that time:

    Now allow me to now explain briefly the concept of discretion, discretion comes into play because us Moderators cannot exercise it meaning we cannot go beyond what our rules and guidelines say we must follow everything as mentioned there. That's where Admins come into the picture that have the permission to go above protocol and punish for what they see fit which us Moderators turn to them in cases such like these. As stated by @Noctorious this discretion was granted to me by my current Administrator @BmTron who I went ahead and explained the situation to.

    The reason I asked for this trolling discretion in the first place is because of the fact that as you said yourself. "Me and some dudes were harassing 1 dude" I had already asked multiple other users to stop impersonating @Apocalypse_God by using different variations of his name at the time "Silent One" as it would lead to a lot of confusion. Apocalypse informed me that this impersonating had been constant and another Moderator @LegitCake had been dealing with this previously. I had already asked other players to change their name, but you kept going along with other players and instigated Apocalypse/Silent One through voice and text chat. As you can see below some examples:


    The fact is that you encouraged others to keep going with this name changing train and I had to warn others of it as well. In addition to that when I originally asked you to change your name you went the wrong route by changing it to something phonetically identical to that of Silent One's. I don't see why I should accept this appeal or reduce the ban length as five days isn't terribly long of a ban length. But I'll leave this open to see if Legit wishes to reply with any evidence he had of this incident or anything you have to say about the matter yourself.
  4. Dzeko

    Dzeko Member

    If I knew that I would get banned for 5 days I probably wouldn't have continued doing. I read the rules before doing it and saw that the maximum I could get in one session is 24 hours which I didn't mind. I still think 5 days is a bit excessive considering you could've banned everyone for 24 hours (which is the only ban that could've been given at the moment according to the rules) and the situation would have been dealt with. I hope you can reconsider the length of the ban as West is one the more populated servers and I like playing with more people and winter break ending the day after the ban ends.
  5. Dzeko

    Dzeko Member

  6. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    Alright Dzeko after talking over this appeal with my Admin BmTron, we've reached this conclusion.

    It's a shame that you think just because our listed punishments say one thing that you then go against our rules purposefully, that's it okay to ruin other's experiences while on our servers. This type of behavior of just shrugging off punishment due to its length is not tolerated here in the slightest, and as result your ban has now been extended and globalized to 1 Week and 5 days seeing that we planned to make the ban's length in total be 2 weeks. Hopefully you learn that ruining others' experiences is not the way to go about while playing on our servers. Maybe once you return from the ban you can think about how you wish to spend your time on our servers in a more friendly and less trollish manner.

    With that said this appeal has not only been denied, but the ban has been extended and globalized as I previously mentioned.

    If you have any concerns feel free to message me on the forums by starting a conversation with me on the forums.

    Appeal: Denied/Thread Locked
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