Betting system

Discussion in 'TTT Suggestions' started by CocoaThunder_, Mar 29, 2014.

  1. I know this has been asked for quite a bit in the past but i do think it would be great to have a betting system where the two players can initiate a bet on a remaining amount of players . the reason i am bringing this up is because a couple of gamblers the have been on this server have been collecting up on others while they themselves are not coughing up their allotted number of points placed on a player . which causes that 2 faced"Oh i didn't bet on that guy " and forces them to have the points and pay the points.
    • Agree Agree x 9
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  2. silentpamonha

    silentpamonha Active Member

    i'm thinking in a system like when the round starts the game gives 15 seconds to make bets on Innos or Traitors, then if you win you get double and if you lose you lose
  3. Patrick

    Patrick Ex-Deathrun Administrator VIP Silver

    Also for fun round, they add single player betting.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. stormcreator

    stormcreator I am The Flying Wombat. Kythol is the bae. <3 VIP

    Superman owes me 17k. -___-
  5. Shades

    Shades VIP

    Betting would cause here we go.. Inflation.. That'd make things more expensive in point shop and harder to get.
  6. I think that betting should be allowed for dead people, UP TO a point at which maybe like 4 players left or so. OR the more odds like when one t left and 5 inno's the odds of T's winning would be lower than say 4 t's and 1 inno, therefore betting T in the first case would pay out more.

    of course that could extremely inflate the amount of points people have so a limit perhaps could placed?

    at the very least a simple betting system perhaps ONLY for Fun rounds? likw when you die you can bet all or up to an x amount of points on who will win. MAYBE adding odds in like when you are the first to die if you bet any one person early on they payout will be higher since more players are still alive.
  7. Fool

    Fool VIP

    I fully support this, even if I don't bet. +1
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2014
  8. BeastlyMcKinley

    BeastlyMcKinley You mod, bro? VIP

    Here is how we solve this: make bets with people who will actually pay you back, meaning no bets with superman, derp scoot, and others known not to uphold their end of the bargain. Simple solution to the problem, and easily manageable
  9. I think you should only be able to bet on a team (t or i) on the first 10-15 secs, and you can only bet a low amount (100 max I guess?)
  10. Black Rabbit

    Black Rabbit I'm a Villain! VIP

    But then there's fun rounds that people bet on others, so team thing wouldn't work since everyone's labeled the same
  11. Red

    Red Harbinger of Arceus VIP

    I believe there is something on coderhire for this. The betting system is actually integrated with the pointshop system, so if you bet, you WILL pay. Although I think the one on coderhire generates new points (basically doubles your points), I think it can be modified so that all the points of the winners will be returned, plus the total amount of points of the losers would be divided equally for the winners to get. The addon also has a minimum amount of players for it to work, so no one can farm it.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2014